Happy Sunday! If you read my first post, you’ll know that I, too, was once one of those believers in reality television and all things glamorous in the often misunderstood PR industry. Afterall, who wouldn’t love to run their own agency in NYC like our favorite Sex and the City gal, miss Samantha Jones? Or magically land an internship at Teen Vogue with your future best friend like LC and Whit? Well, a girl can still dream.

For this week’s Best of Links, I couldn’t pass up this article: “Glamour? Ha! The Realities of Entertainment and Fashion PR.” This piece in the PR Daily reveals what many of us choose to forget when applying for our degree in public relations: this is a dog eat dog world. If you were hoping to get into PR for the glamour, free gifts and a chance to meet the stars, the door is over there. Lorra M. Brown, author of the article, gives us a reality check with 5 key messages:

  1. Attention to detail is crucial.
  2. You must take pride in your work.
  3. You need to understand budget implications.
  4. You are never off duty or a guest at your own events.
  5. Rubbing shoulders with celebrities and industry types isn’t always fun.

Here’s my take on these:

  1. For once, being a perfectionist in this industry is a plus?!
  2. If I remember one thing I learned from the kindergarten playground: Confidence is key. Surprisingly, what you picked up at the schoolyard will take you a long way in the professional world.
  3. Stick to the money you DO have. Otherwise you will likely find your whole month’s paycheck going to the unnecessarily extravagant, gold plated invitations you ordered for the 500 person event.
  4. First thing that came to mind: Hills Season 4. Heidi gets wasted at her own Bolthouse event. Way to go, H. This might be the easiest and most pathetic way to kiss your job goodbye.
  5. Celebrities are celebrities because their personalities stand out from us “normal people.” Therefore, it is inevitable that you will come into contact with a few less-than-desirable starlet or hot shot. Bite your lip, do your job, and laugh about it with your pals once off the job (note: this does not mean gossip to your co-workers after the event, friends vs. work friends–keep ’em straight).

    FYI Heidi, vodka sodas and walkie talkies never mix well.

While this all sounds depressing enough to turn a PR hopeful running the opposite direction, I like to stay hopeful with some of my greatest role models in the industry (i.e. NYC pr girlsOscar pr girl, the list goes on…). One of my favorite inspirations who I have yet to mention is Aliza Licht, a.k.a. The Real DKNY Girl. This awe-inspiring PR professional documents her life in NYC as Donna Karan’s head PR affiliate. Take a moment to watch this video about what Licht’s job really entails. No sugar-coating, yet somehow this PR maven inspires us and teaches us to learn how to love the daily grit of the job.